Sunday, August 2, 2009

11.5 - thing 11.5 (evaluation)

1. What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
my favorite thing would have to be the wordle. i am excited to use this during the school year. i also hope to continue finding lots of ed tech ideas on twitter that help keep me up to date on the ed tech front.

2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
this class helps take things i have previously done and sparked ideas on how i could do it differently in the future. i will keep coming back to this blog to see how i can incorporate some of these things in to our power to learn grant we received.

3. Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
nothing really surprised me. i had heard about and played with most of the things we did, but i was able to apply it to school and not just home.

4. What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
i love the way this class is offered. although i wish it was offered during the school year also. i hope that more classes like this are offered every summer/year!

11.5 - thing 11 (digital citizenship)

my digital citizenship lesson would last through out the entire school year. i would actually start with the teachers. i would start with the aup from the district, which i need to review to make sure i am teaching it correctly. students need to be taught how and where to find reliable information when searching the internet. so many of them automatically go to wikipedia where information can be changed by anyone at any time. most students i have taught believe just because it is on the internet-it must be true! constant modeling and reviewing are necessary through out the year. i want teachers to take more responsibility for what their students are doing while on the computer. some use computer time for busy work and some actually take the time to enhance lessons with information. i have found many teachers also trust in the filters that the district provides and they dont bother checking the links that their students go to.